TruePulse would like to purchase 494LA2 and BNP2 modules for the Lucent 5ESS.
The 494LA2, HECI code PWPQACX / PWPQACXAAB, Comcode 108179821 or 103803607, is a 5ESS DC-DC Power Supply Converter.
The BNP2, HECI code E5PQA5X or E5PQAVV / E5PQAVVAAA, Comcode 107968877, is a 5ESS Network Control and Timing module for a TRCU3. The TRCU3 or a Transmission Rate Converter Unit, Model 3 is a single shelf unit that links either an ORM or EXM-2000 to a host. It enables one to remote the classic switch module as an ORM (Optical Remote Module) and the SM2000 as an EXM-2000 (Extended Switching Module-2000).
As the 5ESS product line has been sold several times, you may also be familiar with them as the AT&T 494LA2 and AT&T BNP2, the Alcatel-Lucent 494LA2 and Alcatel-Lucent BNP2, or even the Nokia 494LA2 and Nokia BNP2.
The 5ESS product line is no longer supported by Nokia.
In addition to the 494LA2 and BNP2, TruePulse is interested in other 5ESS modules. We are also looking for modules to other Alcatel-Lucent Central Office platforms, such as the WaveStar OLS 400G, the 4ESS, DSC iMTN and the Collins ES-37D-1. Please let us know what you have.
TruePulse Inc.
Richmond Hill, ON
Telephone: 905-770-7571