TruePulse is looking to source FC9695TM51 and FC9695TM61 modules for the Fujitsu FlashWave CDS.
We are looking to source:
The Fujitsu FlashWave CDS (Compact Density System) integrates high-capacity Ethernet transport and aggregation with SONET/SDH capabilities at the network edge. The one-slot chassis version is designed as the customer premise located OTN-based demarcation of Ethernet, OTN and SONET services. A two-slot version is also available that can support a wider range of services and capabilities. The CDS can work either as a standalone system, or as an adjunct to the FlashWave 9500 or 7500 platforms.
In addition to the FC9695TM51 and FC9695TM61, we are looking for other Fujitsu FlashWave CDS modules too. We are also looking for modules to other Fujitsu optical networking platforms, such as the FlashWave 9500, FlashWave 7420, the FlashWave 4500 and the FLASH-192. Please contact us for an offer on any surplus Fujitsu optical transport equipment that you have available.
TruePulse Inc.
Richmond Hill, ON
Telephone: 905-770-7571