TruePulse is looking to purchase Ciena NTK524FAE5 and NTK527ANE5 modules for the 6500 platform. You may alternately be familiar with it as a Nortel NTK524FAE5 and NTK527ANE5.
We are currently looking for:
The NTK524FAE5, or possibly the NTK524FA, HECI code WMOTAHB, is a Ciena 1xOC-192/STM-64 VT1.5/LO LR2/L64.2 1533nm Circuit Pack. This circuit pack supports VT1.5/LO switching granularity if the corresponding cross-connects circuit packs are also capable of VT1.5/VC12 switching granularity. The manufacturing of the NTK524FAE5 is discontinued and has been replaced by the NTK522CAE5, OC-n/STM-n 20G VT-1.5/LO 2x XFP/8x SFP circuit pack.
The NTK527ANE5, or possibly the NTK527AN, HECI code WMOTAHF / WMOTAHFJAA, is a Ciena 1xOC-192/STM-64 VT1.5/LO DWDM 1533.47nm (Band 1 Channel 2) Circuit Pack (OM5K). This circuit pack supports VT1.5/LO switching granularity if the corresponding cross-connects circuit packs are also capable of VT1.5/VC12 switching granularity. The manufacturing of the NTK527AN is discontinued and has been replaced with the NTK527JAE5, 1xOC-192/STM-64 VT1.5/LO DWDM C-B and AM1/AM2 circuit pack.
In addition to the NTK524FA and NTK527AN, please let us know if you have any other Ciena 6500 modules available. We are also interested in other Nortel optical platforms, including the CPL, the OM5200 and the DMS-100. Please tell us about any surplus Nortel central office equipment that you have available.
TruePulse Inc.
Richmond Hill, ON
Telephone: 905-770-7571